Laser Therapy
Pet Laser Therapy in Randolph
At American Animal Hospital, we are proud to own a Class IV which we use many times a day to assist pets’ in decreasing inflammation, resulting in better mobility. Cold laser therapy is a noninvasive procedure that uses light to stimulate cell regeneration and increase blood circulation. Cold laser therapy treats the surface of the skin, while hot laser treatments affect deeper tissues. Often called low-level laser therapy, cold laser therapy or Class IV laser therapy, by any name, is still a relatively new concept that is being used more recently to treat dogs with arthritis, tendon, or soft tissue injuries and to promote wound healing.
Is Laser Therapy Painful?
Although a newer procedure in companion animals, the human medical field has been using hot and cold lasers in humans for over 40 years. Laser therapy has been scientifically proven as a successful tool in treating post-surgical pain, arthritis, spinal compression, sprains, and even muscle tears. Many pet owners ask if the laser is painful or uncomfortable. The answer is no, and in most cases, the animals calmly lie down on a nice, padded mat and enjoy the stimulation. Depending on the size of your pet and areas needing laser therapy, treatment times vary between 10-20 minutes.
Schedule your appointment by calling (973) 895-4999 or completing our online form today.