Pet Diagnostic Testing

On-Site Laboratory Services

Diagnostic Testing in Randolph, NJ

At American Animal Hospital, we have the capability of performing a wide range of tests to assist our veterinarians in determining the cause of your pet’s illness. We also have access to board-certified Internal Medicine, Neurologist, Dermatologist, Surgeon (both soft tissue and orthopedic), and Oncologists should the need arise.

Our in-house laboratory saves valuable time in testing and diagnosing whether it be for regular wellness visits or emergency care. Our skilled Technicians and Doctors utilize our modern lab resources and equipment to better serve your medical needs for immediate answers.

In-House Laboratory Testing

Having the ability to run a large amount of blood work inside the hospital allows us to have results in minutes versus days. We also work with an outside animal laboratory with provides us with in-depth or more complex testing with a turnaround time typically less than 24 hours.

We are equipped to run the following:

Digital Radiography

Just like with human doctors, x-rays help our veterinarians evaluate musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, reproductive, and urinary systems. By having our x-ray machine on-site and access to a board-certified radiologist, we can diagnose conditions promptly. We have invested in a state-of-the-art digital x-ray machine that doesn’t pollute the environment with harsh chemicals, develops in an instant, and uses far less radiation than a traditional x-ray.

All radiographs are now digital images and can be easily emailed to any specialist around the world if the need arises.

Digital Dental Radiographs

Just as dental radiographs are an important part of our routine cleanings, they are the same for your pet’s dental health as well! Dental radiographs allow us to see the extent of a fractured tooth, bone loss, or periodontal disease that may not be visible during a routine oral exam. We recommend preventive dental cleanings which much less invasive and costly than waiting until your pet has a problem.

Senior Testing

We are big proponents of preventive wellness care which and doesn’t change just because a pet is older than 7. Our focus shifts slightly and visits are recommended more frequently to catch an age-related issue before it becomes a real problem. Our senior care programs are designed around wellness visits now twice a year instead of just once for younger pets. These visits will still have a comprehensive physical exam but will be coupled with blood tests that will evaluate how well the liver, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, as well as a complete blood count (CBC) that will evaluate the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

You can give us a call at (973) 895-4999 or contact us online to learn more today.

Be sure to tell your veterinarian if you have noticed any changes in your pet such as:

Depending on how your pet is feeling and the results of the blood tests, your veterinarian could also recommend a urinalysis, chest or abdominal radiographs, ultrasound, or blood pressure tests. But don’t worry as your veterinarian will be communicating the results with you and developing a plan to keep your pet well long through their senior years.